Thursday, February 5, 2009

Adjustment 80% Complete

Today is the 17th legislative day (out of 40). We're so close to halfway that it almost scares me. I've thoroughly enjoyed my time here so far, but it's just gone by so fast. I realize it's cliche to whine about how time flies, but I'm going to--just for this paragraph. I am really starting to like my life here and the work that I do and the people I work with. In just a few weeks, I have to leave them, just like I'll have to leave my Brookings life for good a month after that.
Hitting the wall...
Working out has not been going well as of late. Saturday morning I woke up and spent the weekend suffering from what I believe was food poisoning. Needless to say, I didn't go for a run Saturday. Sadly, I had friends in town on Monday and didn't hit the gym, and the exhaustion from being sick caught up with me on Tuesday and I had to skip basketball. I will go today, I swear it, I do--I can't say how much I'll actually do, but I will do something.
This week is full of celebrating, much to my exhaustion. Jake's birthday is today, and mine is tomorrow, so most of the interns went to dinner before bowling last night. Tonight, it sounds like it's just Jake and I going to dinner and out for drinks. This is the second of four nights I'll be out with friends for the grand occasion of turning 22. It seems a little silly, but I do want to see all of my friends, so I'll find a way, at my own risk. Let's just hope I survive to see Sunday!

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