I wish I could quit worrying about the future. I haven't been able to sleep in days. I just lay in bed, staring at the wall or window (depending on which side I'm on), worrying about finding a job. My dad keeps telling me that I'll be fine, but I'll feel better when I actually believe it.
More applications...
I have three more applications (although these are not for news) sitting next to me, and another to work on later this week. These aren't exactly the jobs I want to spend my life doing, but I sent out those tapes more than two weeks ago and have heard absolutely NOTHING back. I thought I might have had a phone call from one today--I didn't recognize the number on my cell and it was from out of state--but it turns out it was just a computer message from New York and Co. telling me to use some coupon tomorrow. Talk about disappointment.
Right now Plan A 1/2 is to find some sort of filler job with health insurance and a part time job in Sioux Falls to tide me over until a station there has room for me. I already checked with KDLT and there's absolutely nothing open there. I'm hoping something becomes free or the budget gets expanded (unlikely) over the summer and I can step in. With the recession as bad as it is right now, Sioux Falls seems to be one of the safest places to be right now.
We have the place, now I need the job...
My friend and I have already applied for two apartments in SF, and as of right now, we can get into this fantastic place on the west side. But, we want to find out if we can get the other place we want too, and they're not being helpful at all. We applied last Tuesday or Wednesday, and they said we'd be contacted within 24 hours, and ... we're still waiting. Looks like I have a phone call to make tomorrow.
Digging out...
Today, I fell face first onto a snow drift. Not into a snow drift, onto a snowdrift. Good old SD got hit with another spring blizzard (the worst one this season, according to KELO). Winner got several inches, and I think they all piled up next to my dad's pickup and on the car my mom drives. Out of sheer boredom, I convinced Mom to come outside and dig out the cars with me. What a good time...
Mine moved first--no problem. Barbara's wasn't hard to move either. Mom's car was tricky. She got it backed up, but before we could move it across the street, we had to remove the two and a half feet of snow covering the hood. The pickup was our grand finale, and oh the struggle it proved to be.
After finally finding the extra key, I went hopping out in winter clothes that didn't fit. The hopping ended when the snow drift and I met, face to face. Turns out, the drift wasn't just snow--ice helped form a solid structure--so, rather than just sinking in and getting a wet leg, I landed on my face and had to roll over the embankment.
I finally got in and reversed it out of the giant drift, after rocking it several times. I tried to take it to the end of our ridiculously long and nontraditional block (it's like the length of three blocks) to turn it around and bring it back. But, along the way, I lost forward movement and pulled over. I couldn't get the car to forward or backward or even attempt to shift gears. So, I got out and walked back to the house (a good half mile) to call Dad and tell him I killed his vehicle. Luckily, it just slipped out of 4WD and everything is good now. Even my face.
A milestone...
Tomorrow night I'm taking Tessa to see Monsters vs. Aliens. This will be her very first trip to a movie theater (although, she has been to the drive inn more times than most people get in their entire lives). I told her tonight at dinner and I thought I was going to go deaf when she screamed with glee. I'm sure she'll ask questions throughout the entire flick (she is almost 4, after all), but her excitement will make the whole evening worth any annoyance I may have otherwise felt.
She keeps telling me she's going to miss me when I leave, and I'm not going anywhere until Thursday, otherwise known as Blue or Purple Day at her daycare. I hate having to leave her. I know one of these days, I'm going to move far, far away and will only get to see her a couple times each year. But, that's just too sad to think about right now. Bedtime is upon us!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Back to Reality
Oh, how boring bumming it can be! The first few days weren't bad--I was still sick, after all, so the rest was highly necessary. And then there was Julie's bridal shower on Saturday. The end of last week was devoted to putting the finishing touches on the party. But now, even that's over. And I have nothing to do.
Absolutely nothing?
Well, not nothing. I have two papers I have to have written by May 3, and I could be doing Model UN research. But, none of my "homework" is due anytime soon, so I probably won't get to that for awhile. Maybe by the end of the week--who knows.
I could also be filling out my graduation paperwork. I've been putting off the rest of that, too. Once I turn it in, it's officially happening. And I still have no idea what's next. I sent out seven tapes at the beginning of last week. They were scheduled to reach their destinations on Friday. So now, I'm just waiting, for anything. Yes, no, or maybe, I just want some sort of answer.
Personality flaws
I wish I was more patient. My last six weeks as a college student would be much more enjoyable if I wasn't always so worried about where I'm going next. I need to get better at living in the moment, like my friend Alison does. She does the worry about the future thing, too, but she also takes risks. Right now, she's living in India. Next fall, she'll start grad school in London and then move to Shanghai the next year. She doesn't let herself get tied down, and I wish I had that kind of courage. And through it all, she has one of the most positive attitudes I've ever witnessed. Definitely something to work towards developing in myself.
Back at it
After taking three weeks off, I finally got back to the gym last night. And it was painful. I only ran 1.25 miles (pathetic), biked 6.25, and lifted. My body hates me today, but I'm going back for more. I'll probably sip the weights this time, though. I don't want to make the aching any worse than it already is. The Brookings 5K is in approximately 7 weeks, and I need to get back into the game. I'm just glad I'm finally feeling up to hitting it hard.
One final encore
Veto day is next week, only it's not. Gov. Rounds signed all the bills left on his desk, so the legislature has no vetoes to deal with. But, they still have to go into session and adjourn sine die in order for all those laws to go into effect. I have a few things to take care of back at my office, and it gives me a good excuse to go home for a few days next week. Plus, I miss it, and the day brings one more paycheck to a world where another one may not be cashed for a long time.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
The Final Countdown
Today is the 39th day of the legislature, the last day of normal session. I started packing up my room Wednesday night, but even then, I never really felt any sense of finality. I don't think I've fully realized that after the gavel falls for the last time today, I'm done with my internship (with the exception of veto day on March 30).
Back to reality
Maybe I just don't want to come back to reality. When this is done, the job search will kick into overdrive. I need some leads, really bad. I will be just fine until May, but I'd really rather get this settled before all the other broadcasters graduate. I'm in a very unique position, and I would like to be able to take full advantage of that. Boy did I pick the wrong time in history to get my degree.
Budget blues
The budget continues to be the big battle at the state capitol. This stimulus package, as nice as it is to keep some programs funded that probably would've been cut, simply has too many strings. We're mandated to fund unnecessary projects--like new road construction--rather than fund what we need--road maintenance.
This whole thing is so technical; if I was in charge of the budget, it would probably look as bad as my own finances (which is an exaggeration; I'm doing just fine, but I'm terrible at budgeting). Fiscal responsibility is absolutely a characteristic I'll be watching for in future elections.
10, 9, 8, ...
The General Bill is printing as we speak, and could go to the House floor any minute. Then the war commences. We could be done as early as 6 p.m., but that's incredibly optimistic.
Dance party!
Last night was our final intern bowling night. We got everyone--even the press interns--there and even convinced the manager to make it "cosmic". I took a lot of video of the evening, so be watching for a mini movie about our last night of public mayhem. Tonight, when we're free, we're getting pizza and snacks and, of course, beer and unwinding at another intern's place. It'll be fun, but bittersweet.
The interns received our commemorations for all our service this afternoon, and while I didn't cry (like I did when I was a page), I felt very sad. Today is still very surreal, like graduation was. Thank you notes and cards and gifts are being passed around, and I am so far behind I don't have mine even written yet (although, they are in my possession).
On the mend
My "sickness" (since we're not really sure what all I still have) is getting better. My cough is still deep and painful, and my head continues to be plugged, and I have a rough voice, but my ear and throat don't hurt anymore. Hopefully by Wednesday next week I'll be able to start running again.
The Future
Tomorrow morning I'll load up the car and drive back to Winner. I plan to do some cleaning in my car and in my room, and then on Tuesday I'll head back to Brookings. I need to send some emails to a some news directors about meeting up next week. Hopefully things start to fall into place....
Back to reality
Maybe I just don't want to come back to reality. When this is done, the job search will kick into overdrive. I need some leads, really bad. I will be just fine until May, but I'd really rather get this settled before all the other broadcasters graduate. I'm in a very unique position, and I would like to be able to take full advantage of that. Boy did I pick the wrong time in history to get my degree.
Budget blues
The budget continues to be the big battle at the state capitol. This stimulus package, as nice as it is to keep some programs funded that probably would've been cut, simply has too many strings. We're mandated to fund unnecessary projects--like new road construction--rather than fund what we need--road maintenance.
This whole thing is so technical; if I was in charge of the budget, it would probably look as bad as my own finances (which is an exaggeration; I'm doing just fine, but I'm terrible at budgeting). Fiscal responsibility is absolutely a characteristic I'll be watching for in future elections.
10, 9, 8, ...
The General Bill is printing as we speak, and could go to the House floor any minute. Then the war commences. We could be done as early as 6 p.m., but that's incredibly optimistic.
Dance party!
Last night was our final intern bowling night. We got everyone--even the press interns--there and even convinced the manager to make it "cosmic". I took a lot of video of the evening, so be watching for a mini movie about our last night of public mayhem. Tonight, when we're free, we're getting pizza and snacks and, of course, beer and unwinding at another intern's place. It'll be fun, but bittersweet.
The interns received our commemorations for all our service this afternoon, and while I didn't cry (like I did when I was a page), I felt very sad. Today is still very surreal, like graduation was. Thank you notes and cards and gifts are being passed around, and I am so far behind I don't have mine even written yet (although, they are in my possession).
On the mend
My "sickness" (since we're not really sure what all I still have) is getting better. My cough is still deep and painful, and my head continues to be plugged, and I have a rough voice, but my ear and throat don't hurt anymore. Hopefully by Wednesday next week I'll be able to start running again.
The Future
Tomorrow morning I'll load up the car and drive back to Winner. I plan to do some cleaning in my car and in my room, and then on Tuesday I'll head back to Brookings. I need to send some emails to a some news directors about meeting up next week. Hopefully things start to fall into place....
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Rejection Can Be a Good Thing
Okay, so I didn't get the job in Grand Forks ... and I'm thrilled! I would've gone and fulfilled my contract if it was offered to me, but God made the right decision for me. In all the craziness, I learned quite a few new things on my sojourn to the Great White North. Here's a short list:
1. As bad as roads are in South Dakota, North Dakota has it worse. There's a 17 mile stretch of I-29 north of Fargo with a sign that reads "Depressed Tire Tracks", complete with 17 miles of road ruts. I won't even get started on the flashing "Bump" signs.
2. The north country isn't as desolate as previously though. Fargo is comparative in size to Sioux Falls (not exactly an urban area, I realize, but keep in mind where I live), and Grand Forks seemed to be a little smaller than Rapid City.
3. I could've been an international correspondant thanks to the sheer proximity to Canada.
4. Hockey is so valued, UND build a $100 million arena soley for the one sport.
5. The only hills you will climb on ND's I-29 are called exit ramps.
6. Tylenol Coldand Cough is worth the $10 you will pay at gas stations.
7. Canadian flags hang with almost equal frequency as American flags.
8. Grand Forks uses-successfully, I might add--a flood wall and steel gate system every spring to prevent the city from converting its streets to canals.
9. The Grand Forks area is where McDonalds gets the potatoes for their tasty french fries.
10. There are no HyVee's up north; there are Hugo's.
11. Winnipeg, a city of 3 million, is only a few short hours away.
12. The accents ARE very pronounced.
13. UND looks like the quintiscential college you see portrayed in the movies. And those lucky kids get tunnels and skywalks.
14. EconoLodge isn't a poor choice when you're searching for a hotel at midnight ... or any night, for that matter.
15. In prehistoric times, North Dakota was at the bottom of a giant lake.
16. Grand Forks has a Borrowed Bucks Roadhouse.
17. Government is much smaller up north; their legislature meets only every other year.
18. Left turns are apparently no-no's in their cities; for some reason, there's always a cement median.
19. North Dakotans seem to be a fairly normal sort of folk.
20. I actually might've been okay, after awhile, if God had wanted me to go to Grand Forks.
1. As bad as roads are in South Dakota, North Dakota has it worse. There's a 17 mile stretch of I-29 north of Fargo with a sign that reads "Depressed Tire Tracks", complete with 17 miles of road ruts. I won't even get started on the flashing "Bump" signs.
2. The north country isn't as desolate as previously though. Fargo is comparative in size to Sioux Falls (not exactly an urban area, I realize, but keep in mind where I live), and Grand Forks seemed to be a little smaller than Rapid City.
3. I could've been an international correspondant thanks to the sheer proximity to Canada.
4. Hockey is so valued, UND build a $100 million arena soley for the one sport.
5. The only hills you will climb on ND's I-29 are called exit ramps.
6. Tylenol Coldand Cough is worth the $10 you will pay at gas stations.
7. Canadian flags hang with almost equal frequency as American flags.
8. Grand Forks uses-successfully, I might add--a flood wall and steel gate system every spring to prevent the city from converting its streets to canals.
9. The Grand Forks area is where McDonalds gets the potatoes for their tasty french fries.
10. There are no HyVee's up north; there are Hugo's.
11. Winnipeg, a city of 3 million, is only a few short hours away.
12. The accents ARE very pronounced.
13. UND looks like the quintiscential college you see portrayed in the movies. And those lucky kids get tunnels and skywalks.
14. EconoLodge isn't a poor choice when you're searching for a hotel at midnight ... or any night, for that matter.
15. In prehistoric times, North Dakota was at the bottom of a giant lake.
16. Grand Forks has a Borrowed Bucks Roadhouse.
17. Government is much smaller up north; their legislature meets only every other year.
18. Left turns are apparently no-no's in their cities; for some reason, there's always a cement median.
19. North Dakotans seem to be a fairly normal sort of folk.
20. I actually might've been okay, after awhile, if God had wanted me to go to Grand Forks.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
It's Not Winter Until You Get Sick
Oh, how I abhor germs. I caught whatever bug is currently cruising the Capital, and it's definitely worse than your basic cold. During my six hour drive to Grand Forks (or, almost Canada), I thought I was going to die.
I couldn't breathe, couldn't swallow, and couldn't quit coughing. A huge part of me wanted to cry when I started freaking out about N.D., but I couldn't even do that because it would make the congestion even worse.
By the time I got home around 8:30 p.m. last night, my ear hurt the most. About an hour or so before I got back to Tripp County, my acetaminophen wore off. I couldn't take any more because then I couldn't take my super awesome cough syrup before bedtime, which was a much higher priority.
Luckily, Dad was able to schedule me a doctor's appointment this morning. Turns out I definitely have an ear infection, but nothing is actually wrong with my throat, other than the coughing. He gave me Singular to dry up my lungs and sinuses, drops for my ear, and antibiotics for my ear and "whatever else might become infected".
Hopefully now I can get back to feeling like me.
Not what I expected
The job interview went very well. I spent about four and a half hours at the station, rewriting press releases and going out on a shoot all as part of my interview. The news director said this position drew in the most applicants she's seen for a single job. A sign of the times, I guess. It sounds like I do stand a pretty chance at this one, though. A sign of all the hard work I've done.
The city wasn't anything at all like I expected. I have to admit, I was fairly impressed. It wasn't even as cold as I expected, but that's because it was unseasonably warm. I wasn't horrified--it definitely seemed like a sort of oasis--but I just didn't feel connected. I guess we'll see what God has in store for me.
The end....
The 39th Day is fast approaching. We're about to start the last week and I hope I'm feeling healthy enough to really enjoy them. I've wanted this job since I was in high school, and now it's almost part of my past. I can't help but be a little sad, and not just because the future is scary. I've met some fantastic people that I would never in a million years have gotten to know otherwise. I've also made some great contacts who will be invaluable to my career.
Pretty much the only thing left to worry about is the budget, but that's no petty concern. We've been saying all along that we will have a balanced budget by the end of session--now it's time to prove that we're not all talk. I anticipate a lot of late nights and some intense fights ... all while the public waits for answers about their future.
Time to get back up
My workouts were absolutely worthless this week. I couldn't run nearly what as far or as fast as I wanted to because I wasn't ever able to catch my breath. I had absolutely zero energy any night I made it to the Y, and I felt it in all my muscles the rest of the week. Weightlifting sucked the little bit I did show up with out of my system.
Now that I have drugs and am on the path to recovery, I'm hoping my workouts will improve. I need to get back to the level I was at before I caught the bug, and then to improve. I have to start working toward getting off the elliptical and onto solid ground. I still haven't signed up for the 5K, and I won't until I know I can definitely do it.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Has Spring Finally Sprung?
So sorry about the delay in writing. Legislative leadership decided last Wednesday to cancel Thursday's session because a big snowstorm was due to hit Pierre early Thursday morning, so after arriving in Brookings a day early, I got so wrapped up in my old life I completely forgot about this new one ... for a few days, anyway.
In the wake of a blizzard
A new mood is in the air at the Capital. It's a beautiful spring-like morning, and I don't think anyone can help but be a bit more chipper. I'm not a morning person, but even I couldn't stop smiling on my walk into the office from the parking lot.
This is, I think, the last week of committees, which means (drum roll here) no more early mornings! Maybe. It's always possible my boss will still want to come in just after the crack of dawn to solve the budget crisis.
This week will likely be our busiest so far, if yesterday is any indication. Even during his closed-door office meetings, I had plenty to do. Session adjourned fairly early yesterday--3:15 p.m.--and will probably be that crisp from here on out, but we still waited until after 6:30 p.m. to lock up the office. Even with the longer days, I'd much rather be busy until late than bored on a short day.
Scheduling snafu
With the missed day of session last week, the legislative procedures committee met yesterday morning to decide when to reschedule. We knew last week we would probably have to make the day up at some point, so I asked the boss when he thought that might be so I could reschedule my job interview if need be. He was 95 percent sure we wouldn't reschedule for this Friday, a day originally scheduled to be off, and that I would be fine to go to Grand Forks on Thursday night.
It's a good thing I didn't put money on this one, because he was wrong. We talked about it last night, though, and he told me to go to ND anyway. I guess I still get my three-day weekend. Sort of. I just need to clear it with the LRC, which shouldn't be a problem because my boss is fine with it, and then I'm on my way.
I'm still not freaking out. I'm dreading the extremely long, boring drive, but I don't think the interview part has really hit me yet. I suppose that will come as we creep closer to Friday morning. But maybe not--that would be nice.
Make a splash
I'm still working out. I am quite proud of that little feat--I generally give up a few short weeks into my plan. Last night I couldn't run nearly as much as I would've hoped because I caught a fun head cold over the weekend, but even sick, I still did it. And it felt good ... eventually, when I could breathe again.
Tonight I want to hit the pool. I finally remembered to bring back a lap suit and I intend to use it. Lap swim opens up at 7 p.m. and I plan to hit it for about an hour. I'll skip weights and running, though. Swimming is already a total body workout.
In the wake of a blizzard
A new mood is in the air at the Capital. It's a beautiful spring-like morning, and I don't think anyone can help but be a bit more chipper. I'm not a morning person, but even I couldn't stop smiling on my walk into the office from the parking lot.
This is, I think, the last week of committees, which means (drum roll here) no more early mornings! Maybe. It's always possible my boss will still want to come in just after the crack of dawn to solve the budget crisis.
This week will likely be our busiest so far, if yesterday is any indication. Even during his closed-door office meetings, I had plenty to do. Session adjourned fairly early yesterday--3:15 p.m.--and will probably be that crisp from here on out, but we still waited until after 6:30 p.m. to lock up the office. Even with the longer days, I'd much rather be busy until late than bored on a short day.
Scheduling snafu
With the missed day of session last week, the legislative procedures committee met yesterday morning to decide when to reschedule. We knew last week we would probably have to make the day up at some point, so I asked the boss when he thought that might be so I could reschedule my job interview if need be. He was 95 percent sure we wouldn't reschedule for this Friday, a day originally scheduled to be off, and that I would be fine to go to Grand Forks on Thursday night.
It's a good thing I didn't put money on this one, because he was wrong. We talked about it last night, though, and he told me to go to ND anyway. I guess I still get my three-day weekend. Sort of. I just need to clear it with the LRC, which shouldn't be a problem because my boss is fine with it, and then I'm on my way.
I'm still not freaking out. I'm dreading the extremely long, boring drive, but I don't think the interview part has really hit me yet. I suppose that will come as we creep closer to Friday morning. But maybe not--that would be nice.
Make a splash
I'm still working out. I am quite proud of that little feat--I generally give up a few short weeks into my plan. Last night I couldn't run nearly as much as I would've hoped because I caught a fun head cold over the weekend, but even sick, I still did it. And it felt good ... eventually, when I could breathe again.
Tonight I want to hit the pool. I finally remembered to bring back a lap suit and I intend to use it. Lap swim opens up at 7 p.m. and I plan to hit it for about an hour. I'll skip weights and running, though. Swimming is already a total body workout.
Monday, March 2, 2009
No matter how hard I try, visual writing is not (and never will be) my strength. So, to compensate (i.e., cheat), here are some pictures from the past few months, in no particular order. Enjoy!
PS--I got a new video camera; anticipate my experiments with video blogging in the near future :)

Enjoying a beer on a work night--oh my!

The delicious homemade ice cream cake Caiti made for my 22nd birthday.

Me and Audrey at Cubbies one of the many weekend I went back to Brookings.

Tessa, sweet Tessa ... what a face, right? Watching Barbara cheer at her last home girls basketball game.
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