Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Make it stop!

I wish I could quit worrying about the future. I haven't been able to sleep in days. I just lay in bed, staring at the wall or window (depending on which side I'm on), worrying about finding a job. My dad keeps telling me that I'll be fine, but I'll feel better when I actually believe it.
More applications...
I have three more applications (although these are not for news) sitting next to me, and another to work on later this week. These aren't exactly the jobs I want to spend my life doing, but I sent out those tapes more than two weeks ago and have heard absolutely NOTHING back. I thought I might have had a phone call from one today--I didn't recognize the number on my cell and it was from out of state--but it turns out it was just a computer message from New York and Co. telling me to use some coupon tomorrow. Talk about disappointment.
Right now Plan A 1/2 is to find some sort of filler job with health insurance and a part time job in Sioux Falls to tide me over until a station there has room for me. I already checked with KDLT and there's absolutely nothing open there. I'm hoping something becomes free or the budget gets expanded (unlikely) over the summer and I can step in. With the recession as bad as it is right now, Sioux Falls seems to be one of the safest places to be right now.
We have the place, now I need the job...
My friend and I have already applied for two apartments in SF, and as of right now, we can get into this fantastic place on the west side. But, we want to find out if we can get the other place we want too, and they're not being helpful at all. We applied last Tuesday or Wednesday, and they said we'd be contacted within 24 hours, and ... we're still waiting. Looks like I have a phone call to make tomorrow.
Digging out...
Today, I fell face first onto a snow drift. Not into a snow drift, onto a snowdrift. Good old SD got hit with another spring blizzard (the worst one this season, according to KELO). Winner got several inches, and I think they all piled up next to my dad's pickup and on the car my mom drives. Out of sheer boredom, I convinced Mom to come outside and dig out the cars with me. What a good time...
Mine moved first--no problem. Barbara's wasn't hard to move either. Mom's car was tricky. She got it backed up, but before we could move it across the street, we had to remove the two and a half feet of snow covering the hood. The pickup was our grand finale, and oh the struggle it proved to be.
After finally finding the extra key, I went hopping out in winter clothes that didn't fit. The hopping ended when the snow drift and I met, face to face. Turns out, the drift wasn't just snow--ice helped form a solid structure--so, rather than just sinking in and getting a wet leg, I landed on my face and had to roll over the embankment.
I finally got in and reversed it out of the giant drift, after rocking it several times. I tried to take it to the end of our ridiculously long and nontraditional block (it's like the length of three blocks) to turn it around and bring it back. But, along the way, I lost forward movement and pulled over. I couldn't get the car to forward or backward or even attempt to shift gears. So, I got out and walked back to the house (a good half mile) to call Dad and tell him I killed his vehicle. Luckily, it just slipped out of 4WD and everything is good now. Even my face.
A milestone...
Tomorrow night I'm taking Tessa to see Monsters vs. Aliens. This will be her very first trip to a movie theater (although, she has been to the drive inn more times than most people get in their entire lives). I told her tonight at dinner and I thought I was going to go deaf when she screamed with glee. I'm sure she'll ask questions throughout the entire flick (she is almost 4, after all), but her excitement will make the whole evening worth any annoyance I may have otherwise felt.
She keeps telling me she's going to miss me when I leave, and I'm not going anywhere until Thursday, otherwise known as Blue or Purple Day at her daycare. I hate having to leave her. I know one of these days, I'm going to move far, far away and will only get to see her a couple times each year. But, that's just too sad to think about right now. Bedtime is upon us!

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