Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Back to Reality

Oh, how boring bumming it can be!  The first few days weren't bad--I was still sick, after all, so the rest was highly necessary.  And then there was Julie's bridal shower on Saturday.  The end of last week was devoted to putting the finishing touches on the party.  But now, even that's over.  And I have nothing to do.  
Absolutely nothing?
Well, not nothing.  I have two papers I have to have written by May 3, and I could be doing Model UN research.  But, none of my "homework" is due anytime soon, so I probably won't get to that for awhile.  Maybe by the end of the week--who knows.
I could also be filling out my graduation paperwork.  I've been putting off the rest of that, too.  Once I turn it in, it's officially happening.  And I still have no idea what's next.  I sent out seven tapes at the beginning of last week.  They were scheduled to reach their destinations on Friday.  So now, I'm just waiting, for anything.  Yes, no, or maybe, I just want some sort of answer. 
Personality flaws
I wish I was more patient.  My last six weeks as a college student would be much more enjoyable if I wasn't always so worried about where I'm going next.  I need to get better at living in the moment, like my friend Alison does.  She does the worry about the future thing, too, but she also takes risks.  Right now, she's living in India.  Next fall, she'll start grad school in London and then move to Shanghai the next year.  She doesn't let herself get tied down, and I wish I had that kind of courage.  And through it all, she has one of the most positive attitudes I've ever witnessed.  Definitely something to work towards developing in myself.
Back at it
After taking three weeks off, I finally got back to the gym last night.  And it was painful.  I only ran 1.25 miles (pathetic), biked 6.25, and lifted.  My body hates me today, but I'm going back for more.  I'll probably sip the weights this time, though.  I don't want to make the aching any worse than it already is.  The Brookings 5K is in approximately 7 weeks, and I need to get back into the game.  I'm just glad I'm finally feeling up to hitting it hard.  
One final encore
Veto day is next week, only it's not.  Gov. Rounds signed all the bills left on his desk, so the legislature has no vetoes to deal with.  But, they still have to go into session and adjourn sine die in order for all those laws to go into effect.  I have a few things to take care of back at my office, and it gives me a good excuse to go home for a few days next week.  Plus, I miss it, and the day brings one more paycheck to a world where another one may not be cashed for a long time.    


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